How to Make an Army Base in Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make an Army Base in Minecraft

Minecraft's unique mechanics are ane of the primary reasons people are so invested in creating intricate bases and hideouts on their worlds, allowing us to fulfill our wildest dreams. After all, who doesn't want to have cool houses floating mid-air or deep underwater in real life? Nosotros are certainly on board with that idea. That's why one of the virtually popular building ideas in Minecraft are underwater bases.

The idea of building an underwater base of operations in Minecraft is non just almost aesthetics. Fifty-fifty if, with the addition of Drowned, information technology may get a bit trickier to build your new aquatic dwelling house, there are some strategic advantages we cannot ignore. Most mobs take their attack speed slowed down on the water, it's immune to explosions, and you go a higher level of protection and darkening in contrast to state bases.

Are you lost on what pattern will look the coolest in your Minecraft world? Don't y'all know how to empty the water pockets within your building? Say no more! Nosotros are sharing our curated pick with the pinnacle 15 Best Minecraft Underwater Base of operations Ideas. You tin can follow the video tutorials or customize the original thought as yous build your ain underwater home.

Permit'south presume you desire to build any of these Minecraft underwater base ideas in your Survival world. In that case, y'all may need to consider some obvious limitations during the construction process, like your grapheme'due south reduced movement and mining speed… aside from the obvious gamble of drowning. Either you go along a close heart on your oxygen meter, place a Conduit nearby, use a Potion of H2o Animate, or enchant any helm with Respiration to make your task a scrap easier! Some enchanted armor with Aqua Affinity and Depth Strider isn't strictly required but is highly useful.


Double-Pod Underwater

Best Minecraft Underwater Base Ideas
Screenshot past SheepGG

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This construction idea has already made a special appearance in our list of the ten best Minecraft base ideas for a good reason! If you have some spare Drinking glass (let's say near +600 blocks), so you'll be all prepare to start this beautiful Minecraft underwater house created past SheepGG. The best spot to build this base would be at a coral reef biome located in whatever bounding main to add together those aquatic details on the exterior. Y'all tin decide whatsoever depth you want to identify the construction, every bit long as you place a loftier enough ladder to accomplish the surface. If you wish to know the approximate size of this Minecraft underwater base, expect to allocate nigh 19 ten 25 ten 8 blocks in width, length, and top, respectively. We fell in love with the fish placed at the chests every bit decoration!

Did you know that you lot can utilise Os Meal underwater? This tutorial relies on this mechanic to decorate the top of the pods with seaweed. Pretty cool!


Mod Secret House

Underwater Base for Minecraft 1.17
Screenshot by Zaypixel

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Yes, you read the title right. Zaypixel ever amazes united states with their incredible building ideas, and this time they came upwards with a prissy twist to the underwater base of operations formula– the entire matter is besides surreptitious! You will need to dig 16 blocks downwards in any body of water of your liking as you follow forth with the tutorial, featuring several floors busy with dark oak and concrete and even a tiny Nether portal so that you can hop in and out every bit you please. Our favorite edifice hack featured in this tutorial must be using Sea Lanterns behind the paintings to add actress light, followed closely past the h2o elevator with Soul Sand and a Magma block to get in and out of your home. Don't forget to decorate the surrounding with any aquatic items taken out of the coral reef biome or improvise with some seaweed to enhance the underwater atmosphere.


Underwater Mountain House

Underwater Mountain House Minecraft
Screenshot past Zaypixel

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The following tutorial is another tremendous underwater firm for Minecraft brought to the states by Zaypixel, this time placed against a mountain underwater. Mine your style through the stone to create a cozy home featuring a beautiful drinking glass wall facing the h2o. Instead of having underwater access, you can dig your way through the mountain to make an entrance to your base, entirely depending on its location.

Once more, gray physical and dark oak are the chief materials used to cover the walls and floors. Even so, in that location are always cute floor blueprint ideas available if yous want to customize them to your liking. Zaypixel went alee with a minimalistic arroyo to this underwater base of operations, but y'all can ever add some storage mods to your game if you don't want to modify the original concept and make the best out of the pocket-sized infinite available.


Secret Underwater Base

Minecraft Underwater House for Survival World
Screenshot past Kiyoshi

Spotter Tutorial

The following base idea is the perfect solution for creating a beautiful underground base of operations hidden inside a trunk of water. Brought to us past Kiyoshi, y'all will need to find a xvi x 16 flat expanse underwater to get-go excavation and building with terracotta, wood, and physical. We love this concept are the Sea Lantern rings placed on both extremes and how all the essentials needed for any Survival experience are organized around the base. In that location's even enough room to set up an enchanting table with plenty bookcases to obtain the most potent enchantments available.

To pinnacle it off, you lot also get a scenic open drinking glass ceiling to admire the aquatic creatures pond past and always know how much sunlight is left exterior. Of class, you can always customize this hideout to your liking with other wall design ideas if you desire to steer away from the grey Concrete.


Modern Ocean Base

Modern Ocean House Underwater Base Idea for Minecraft
Screenshot past Random Steve Guy

Scout Tutorial

Do you lot want your Minecraft underwater house in the middle of the sea? Say no more! Random Steve Guy has created a fantastic tutorial showcasing a beautiful mod-looking place that you tin only access afterward traveling long distances into your preferred location. The peak features a blissful sunbathing area with a pool, and underwater, you'll have several floors with creative piece of furniture ideas to add life to your base of operations. Note that you will need a lot of smooth quartz and glass to build the outer area. Hopefully, y'all already have easy admission to the Nether to collect all the necessary resources. We dearest how the stairs are made with slabs instead of relying on the regular ladders or wooden blocks!

Fun fact: did y'all know that y'all tin get a h2o saucepan from drying upward the Sponges at the furnace? Just place the empty bucket at the fuel slot while the arrow is filling and you lot will go the dried Sponge and your water bucket!


Underwater Seabase

Underwater Seabase for Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update 1.17
Screenshot past Goldrobin

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Goldrobin presents united states of america with a remarkable underwater base that reminds us a lot of Subnautica's structures. Information technology features a base of operations pillar on the lesser of the ocean and a 360° view underneath the water. We all know that using a ton of glass blocks for your underwater hideout is a must-have! We always appreciate finding Minecraft underwater base of operations ideas incorporating the new wooden blocks available at the Nether biomes (all thanks to the ane.16 update), particularly if the color palette perfectly fits the scenario. This structure is the living proof at that place's no demand to go big to create a unique residence for yourself.

Pro tip: If you don't take Sponges to empty the water inside the construction, another option available is to build the outer frame, seal information technology completely and start filling the within with sand or gravel. Several YouTube content creators have used this method in their Survival worlds to drain Ocean Monuments!


Unproblematic Starter Underwater Base

Minecraft Simple Starter Underwater Base Idea
Screenshot past Folli

Sentry Tutorial

You lot've started a brand new world, and you don't have many resources available to create the hideout of your dreams. Only don't worry! We present you a starter underwater base by Folli, going the extra mile by recording themselves building the unabridged structure in Survival mode and without whatever aid to breathe underwater. As shown in the video, you just demand to classify a x×x area for the cube and follow the instructions.

Featuring an incredible amount of Spruce Trapdoors, it includes all the Survival basics. You can place crafting stations, furnaces, and an enchanting table located on the lowest floor. To access the interior, just become down the ladders from the surface platform, and you're set! This base volition likely get as well cramped every bit you lot progress in your game, but it marks all the boxes in our essentials as the ideal starting base of operations.


Underwater Cube Base

Minecraft Underwater Base Idea Tutorial
Screenshot by JUNS MAB

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While some players like to take their constructions to the adjacent level, sometimes it'due south expert to become back to nuts. The following underwater base for Minecraft is brought to us by JUNS MAB, with a 12 ten 12 ten 6 cube crafted with Spruce planks and glass. The span entrance is made out of extinguished Campfires– We always appreciate creators showcasing their creativity with these smalls details! There'southward no need to go use a wide diversity of resources to create a stunning base curtained from other players' optics, and the video tutorial is so easy to follow, you only need to worry well-nigh gathering plenty resources to start building at once! The inner setup takes full advantage of the cramped space bachelor, including an enchanting table and a lovely kitchen.


Ultimate Underwater House

Minecraft Video Tutorial for Best Underwater House
Screenshot by IrieGenie

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Once you're at the late-game stage, it'southward fourth dimension to upgrade your constructions and find more meaning projects to work on… And nosotros have the perfect suggestion for y'all! The following tutorial is a regal construction project by IrieGenie, featuring a fantastic double-pod house that includes a bedroom, dining room, brewing area, living room, smelting room, storage, subcontract, kitchen, enchanting room, and bathroom. Phew!

With such a gigantic chore ahead, this particular project volition take some time to complete, considering that you will demand +2,000 blocks of Smooth Quartz lone and a 35 x 35 area to start placing everything together. Nonetheless, no one can deny the insane results and how well-organized each room looks. With this Minecraft underwater base, you get some bragging points in front of your friends!


Modern River Base

Modern River Base Underwater for Minecraft 1.17
Screenshot past Minecraft Today

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Some of us don't experience comfortable edifice in the ocean biome. After all, information technology'southward far more probable to get attacked past a Drowned and get killed by a Trident shot! For someone who still wants to remain relatively close to the land, we have a modern river base of operations building created by Minecraft Today that you tin easily emulate in your earth. There's something about modern compages that inspires many creators for their underwater bases in Minecraft, and this base covers everything you lot may demand during your Survival feel. It even includes a central spot for an End Crystal, which looks super absurd from the outside. Perhaps y'all want to replace it with a Beacon to mark your abode from a distance? The selection is yours!

Bonus: If you want to expand your world beyond underwater bases, bank check out our ultimate list with 50 Minecraft edifice ideas!


Submerged Crater Base

Underwater River Base Video Tutorial for Minecraft
Screenshot by Archelaus

Scout Tutorial

Every bit we've mentioned before, there's no need to go deep into the ocean to build a great underwater base in Minecraft. It's even a viable option for more shallow waters with as little every bit a couple of blocks of water, like this base idea created past Archelaus. They decided to get with a submerged crater pattern, where you'll get an insane view from the heaven equally the lord's day goes down and get-go shinning in the skies.  Nosotros cannot help merely love any base thought that puts the new light sources into good utilize, and the Lanterns are hands one of the most popular additions to any construction– the submerged lamp posts expect stunning! If you decide to set your base in the Swamp expanse, you should become with this base of operations idea.


Underwater Mountain House

Best Minecraft Underwater Base Ideas
Screenshot past Random Steve Guy

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Some of the all-time base ideas out in that location don't necessarily require y'all to submerge the entire edifice fully, and you tin take the best of both worlds. Random Steve Guy makes yet another appearance on our listing thanks to this beautiful construction using yellow Terracotta for the interior walls and a spacious layout for all your Survival needs. Your bedroom will have a directly view of all the fish and mobs passing by the river with a blackness Stained Glass window, and y'all can customize the thought as you see fit.


Underwater Piston House

Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft Underwater House Idea
Screenshot by Mumbo Jumbo

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By at present, if you're already deep into the rabbit pigsty of Minecraft building ideas, the following proper noun must audio familiar. Mumbo Jumbo is a well-known YouTube content creator who is always creating the craziest Redstone contraptions and flexing his immense noesis of the game's mechanics to come upwards with ingenious systems. This time, he decided to cocky-impose a challenge: how much can you build inside an underwater piston house in an hour? Even if you're non a Redstone skilful, following what Mumbo does in this video to the letter of the alphabet will still yield an outstanding upshot in your game.

Side note: Learn how to allocate more RAM to your Minecraft server to continue edifice cracking bases and structures with your friends!


Ruined Aboriginal Pyramid

Minecraft Underwater Pyramid Base Idea Video Tutorial
Screenshot by Spudetti

Sentinel Tutorial

Minecraft is filled with generated structures containing interesting boodle at different biomes. With Ocean Monuments, Jungle Temples, Desert Pyramids, and much more bachelor, why non take some inspiration from these abandoned places for your underwater base? Spudetti brings u.s. a creative rendition of a ruined ancient pyramid, using nigh a thousand Smooth Sandstone blocks equally the primary resource for the outer frame. With some Sea Lanterns and bones aquatic decoration, your base of operations will seamlessly alloy with the surround. Your home will always await incredible with a cute texture pack, some shaders, and Optifine to top it all off!


Underwater Drinking glass Dome

Underwater Glass Dome Tutorial for Minecraft 1.17
Screenshot past Random Steve Guy

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If you want to have a full view at the lesser of the sea, why not go with a drinking glass dome to not miss any detail? The last Minecraft underwater base idea in our list comes notwithstanding again from Random Steve Guy, and it's super easy to craft. Equally ever, the biggest challenge would exist not drowning equally you build the glass rings to shut off the dome.  A good complementary idea is to find a Shipwreck nearby to blend information technology with the wooden interior seamlessly.

And that's a wrap-up! Every bit a final note, while almost of these underwater base ideas require Sponges to empty water pockets inside the structures, y'all tin always rely on your Bucket to slowly get rid of water. If you're building in a shallow area, another great option is to surround your working area with sand or gravel. That way, yous create a temporary chimera of air and piece of work without worries. Afterwards yous're washed, just break the blocks and permit the water cover your base again!

Which idea was your favorite? Do y'all have your own suggestions on the best underwater homes? Let usa know below in the comments. We volition surely exist quite busy trying to recreate all of these ideas in our games!

Don't forget to check out more Minecraft manufactures if you lot're looking for more than recommendations and ideas for your world.


How to Make an Army Base in Minecraft TUTORIAL

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